Aurélien Mabilat

Aurélien Mabilat



An educational video game for teenagers to overcome discrimination and tackle clichés

Bužanglo is a pedagogic experience for teenagers designed to be played in Swiss classrooms accompanied by a teacher. The player, embodiying an avatar that has lost his memory, is invited to rediscover his identity by gathering memories within the game. Through this journey, the user discovers the culture and history of  the Roma people, the most discriminated population in Europe.


A pedagogic video game to discover the Romani community and tackle clichés

Gather your memories to discover your identity! Bužanglo is a pedagogic experience for teenagers designed to be play in Swiss classrooms accompanied by a teacher.

Bužanglo was tested during the different stages of the project with different target audiences (young people, teachers), and adapted accordingly. It is aimed at players from 12 years old.

The design is nourished by social sciences. All the situations presented are inspired by real cases., the information provided and the concrete situations of the game are based on scientific data, in particular field surveys carried out in Switzerland and interviews.

After an initial discovery phase, the player participates in a moderated debate phase where he takes up the elements and facts discovered during the game to feed his argument.

Bužanglo was tested during the different stages of the project with different target audiences (young people, teachers), and adapted accordingly. It is aimed at players from 12 years old.

The design is nourished by social sciences. All the situations presented are inspired by real cases., the information provided and the concrete situations of the game are based on scientific data, in particular field surveys carried out in Switzerland and interviews.

After an initial discovery phase, the player participates in a moderated debate phase where he takes up the elements and facts discovered during the game to feed his argument.

Identity, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), character design and animation direction by Aurélien Mabilat.
Game Design and project management by Myth_N.
Development by Raphaël Munoz of Aprobado Studio.
Background Art by Raphaël Widmer. 

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