Aurélien Mabilat

Aurélien Mabilat


💚💚💚 x HEdS Genève

An immersive installation using Augmented Reality to imagine the futur of extra-hospital care.

Step into the shoes of an hybrid human/robotic healthcare team and its patient in this immersive installation. Choose wisely when to get helped by IA and robots to make the care more human!

💚💚💚 x HEdS Genève

An immersive installation using Augmented Reality to imagine the futur of extra-hospital care.

Step into the shoes of an hybrid human/robotic healthcare team and its patient in this immersive installation. Choose wisely when to get helped by IA and robots to make the care more human!

Thanks to everybody @heds_geneve & @hessogeneve

Concept and design : Cassandre Poirier Simon @pyrussandre & @aurelien_mabilat

Scenarios and Unity development: Cassandre Poirier Simon @pyrussandre

Art direction, identity, illustrations and animations: @aurelien_mabilat

Sound design and music: Baptiste Portefaix @baptisteokok

Installation design @pyrussandre & @aurelien_mabilat with @studio_valentin_dubois

Cité des métiers design: @studio_valentin_dubois

Project Management @citédesmétiers : @manonpavlowsky

Thanks to everybody
@heds_geneve & @hessogeneve

Concept and design : Cassandre Poirier Simon @pyrussandre & @aurelien_mabilat

Scenarios and Unity development: Cassandre Poirier Simon @pyrussandre

Art direction, identity, illustrations and animations: @aurelien_mabilat

Sound design and music: Baptiste Portefaix @baptisteokok

Installation design @pyrussandre & @aurelien_mabilat with @studio_valentin_dubois

Cité des métiers design: @studio_valentin_dubois

Project Management @citédesmétiers : @manonpavlowsky

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