Aurélien Mabilat

Aurélien Mabilat


-Pulse Incubateur HES

A full brand identity from name to website design for a startup incubator and flagship for academic collaboration

The -Pulse identity conveys the image of a dynamic, stable and creative institution and its composition gives it a character of seriousness and modernity. Its horizontal and vertical dashes help to anchor it while giving it a playful aspect, evoking the frameworks of creativity. The jump made by the last letters, within the framework of a precise and immediately readable grid, helps to give a feeling of thoughtful experimentation.


A full brand identity from name to website design for a startup incubator and flagship for academic collaboration

The -Pulse identity conveys the image of a dynamic, stable and creative institution and its composition gives it a character of seriousness and modernity. Its horizontal and vertical dashes help to anchor it while giving it a playful aspect, evoking the frameworks of creativity. The jump made by the last letters, within the framework of a precise and immediately readable grid, helps to give a feeling of thoughtful experimentation.

Full brand identity including naming, communication assets for web and social media, and complete website design (UX, UI) and development by Aurélien Mabilat.
A special thanks to Abir Oreibi and Augustin Solioz.

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Let's collaborate!


Let's collaborate!